Communicate With Impact


“Almost everything you do involves persuasion.” Daniel Pink’s underlining argument is that persuasion is something we can all improve upon, utilising ‘softer skills’ like listening, ‘mirroring and matching,’ positive body language, asking open questions and simply, by being more human! Whether you directly sell products, are involved in a team, want to create better rapport with your customers, you are in effect, selling, or more specifically, ‘moving others’ to do something.

You may think to yourself, “I do this naturally anyway.” Many people possess an innate talent for developing good communication and rapport with others. They have an underlying strength in having strong interpersonal and empathic skills that underpin intelligent emotions. However, by practising the strategies outlined in this book, you can work consciously to develop your communication skills in every aspect of your daily life to achieve more effective and successful results.

Success leaves clues! An individual who achieves outstanding results in any aspect of their life has consciously or unconsciously followed a specific strategy in their thinking and behaviour that can be identified and modelled. Studies show that there is a connection between the neurological processes, language and behavioural patterns that have been learned through experience that can be organized to achieve the specific goals we want in our lives. This book will provide you with practical tools and techniques to greatly enhance your ability to communicate and influence effectively.

The book is written in three sections.

Section One

  • Chapters 1-4 explores the key principles behind good communication and examines some of the concepts of Neuro Linguistic Programming and how it integrates with research on neuroscience.

Section Two

  • Chapters 5-7 are organised around three aspects to enhance communication techniques:
  • Chapter 5 Enhancing Your Own Personal Impact provides tips and techniques to help you communicate well and be at your best.
  • Chapter 6 Communicating With and Influencing Others explores techniques to communicate well with your team.
  • Chapter 7 Communicating and Influencing Across Your Organisation provides useful models to help you communicate and implement successful change across your organisation.

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